Mind Your Manners

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Schedule September 27, 2003

Mind Your Manners can help you to learn the social etiquette and manners that you can apply every day in your life. We help you build confidence, optimism and self-assurance, improving yourself and those around you.
Manners for Girls
Social etiquette and table manners for girls, ages 5-8 and 9-12 Mind Your Manners is fun courses in manners, style, and poise where young ladies learn everyday social skills and manners that help to build self-confidence. This 6-week class covers Poise, Style and Grooming, Social Etiquette and Table Manners. All the young ladies will enjoy a mini-manicure session and a Tea Party, as well as a Graduation Fashion Show where friends and family are all welcome.

Manners for Boys
Social etiquette and table manners for young men, ages 6-8 and 9-12 Manners For Young Men helps young boys to learn the social etiquette, personal grooming, and table manners that can help them to become confident, self-assured young gentlemen. Young boys are shown the importance of first impressions, personal style, and good posture when they sit, stand and walk. They will also learn about the importance of a handshake and tips on making introductions and conversation. Manners for Young Men also teaches telephone manners, table manners and other simple courtesies, including learning to say the magic words of "please", "you're welcome" and "thank you".

Manners for Teens
Co-ed etiquette seminar for teenagers, ages 13 - 16. Mind Your Manners offers the Just For Teens seminar to help teenagers learn the manners and etiquette that will give them confidence and that extra edge needed in the "real world". This daylong seminar will show teenagers how to make lasting first impressions through poise, body language and personal grooming. They will learn the art of making conversation, as well as tips on handling introductions and learning the proper way to shake hands. The seminar teaches teenagers informal and formal dining manners, social skills and how to handle themselves appropriately in different situations and social settings. Teenagers will also learn how etiquette and manners relate to the electronic world, such as telephone manners, cell phone know-how and e-mail etiquette.

Business & Social Etiquette for Adults
(Business Etiquette) Communication Skills, Making An Entrance, Handshaking, Introductions, Eye Contact, First Impressions, Lasting Impressions, Business Cards, Body Language, Listening, (Formal and Informal Dining) Business Entertaining, Host/Hostess, Guest, Silverware Savvy, Napkins, Toasting, Styles of Eating, Do's and Dont's, Taking Your Seat, (Social Etiquette) Self-Esteem, Confidence, Introductions, Converstation and Listening, Personal Grooming, Electronic World, Telephone Manners, Etiquette in Public, Social Niceties, Lasting Impressions,